Our newest endeavour! We've engaged Alex Pilgrim to help us in the production of an updated video clip of Living Reefs' unique Coral Garden Initiative. Alex is a Bermuda-based photographer who loves spending time in the Island's blue waters. We chose this photo taken on a stunning day at North Rock, as our cover feature for our Facebook page. See more of Alex's photos on www.alexpilgrimphotography.com, or follow on instagram alexmpilgrim.

SECORE International has teamed up with award-winning illustrator Bernhard Speh to create a new comic about coral reefs.
A fantastic educational tool for 8-12 years old, Living Reefs Foundation is excited to share with you.
Meet the Coral Heroes, join them on their adventures , and share this fun comic magazine with your friends.
THANK YOU to Secore and Bernhard Speh.
Bermuda Photos & Art

Ron Lucas

Ron Lucas

Ron Lucas

Scott Stallard

Scott Stallard

Scott Stallard

Allan Marquadt


Mary Celeste

Allan Marquadt