The Coral Garden Initiative
The Coral Garden Initiative
Coral gardening is a relatively new scientific approach to coral conservation, but it is particularly new to Bermuda. We aim to restore previously damaged areas. Living Reefs first Coral Garden- and the first for Bermuda- was installed in Castle Harbour in August 2016.
Coral Gardens: Culture, Plant, Restore
Living Reefs Foundation has launched the "Adopt a Coral Garden" Project in August 2016. Adopting a Coral Garden offers the opportunity to become directly involved in the gardening process. Involvement is possible at all levels, from planting of corals to cleaning and maintenance of young corals. Through time-lapse photography, coral growth will be followed.
Photo: S. dePutron
Photo: Reefscapers

Our Scientific Partner
Living Reefs works jointly with scientists at the Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences (BIOS). Together we aim to develop more sustainable methods of rearing young corals investigating 'larval seeding' and 'coral fusion', and focusing on Bermuda's boulder coral species. Results from this innovative scientific work is applicable beyond Bermuda to Caribbean coral reefs.

Our Tourism Partner
The first Coral Gardens are installed on the doorstep of Rosewood Bermuda Resort's guest cottages. Living Reefs and Rosewood are engaging guests to experience a snorkel trail on the gardens, with the opportunity to become further involved in underwater gardening. This raises the awareness of visitors on the importance of coral reefs, encourages sustainable practices during their stay, and engages them in long term conservation through the 'Adopt a Coral Garden' programme.

The Aims of the R&D Phase of Coral Gardening
Develop a pilot restoration system which will increase coral cover and natural recruitment in damaged areas.
Develop a coral gardening system which can be expanded to other damaged sites
Increase awareness of Bermuda's residents, visitors and youth of the value of coral reefs and of the means available to conserve this ecosystem
Build an evidence base that supports coral gardening and restoration in the wider Caribbean and beyond, through scientific experiments
Develop and build reef bases which will blend into the natural reef and support a diversity of coral species.