Our approach is scientifically sound. It revolves around two major pillars: Our ecosystem, and our community.

Our Ecosystem
Coral reefs are at risk worldwide. Bermuda's reefs are among the healthiest in the Wider Caribbean, yet the World Resource Institute has classified them at "High Risk". This is mainly because of their proximity to a densely populated land mass. Human activities are an increasing threat to Bermuda's northernmost reefs. This combined with climate change warrants precautionary measures. It also means, everyone is responsible.

Preserving our Ecosystem
Restoration techniques and coral gardening in particular have focused on branching coral species which lend themselves well to the fragmentation technique. Living Reefs is working on other techniques for boulder corals, contributing to the scientific community worldwide for the application of more sustainable methods.
Corals of Bermuda
Bermuda's coral reef ecosystem is the northernmost in the Atlantic. ( 32.4° N and 64.8° W); this northern location means that the diversity and composition of Bermuda's reefs differ. It also means that corals grow more slowly in Bermuda waters, sitting onthe fringe of the 'marine carbonate belt', than their tropical conspecifics. The reef system is dominated by reef building boulder corals, with fewer branching corals than typically found in the southern Caribbean waters.
Photo: JML

Our Community
Residents and visitors alike have expressed the importance that healthy, pristine coral reefs have for their quality of life, and their visiting experience. Coral restoration requires sustainable funding for investigations and more importantly for implementation and rapid response to damage.
Through the raising of awareness and engagement of all, Living Reefs strives to establish a mechanism for sustainable financing of coral conservation. By Adopting a Coral Garden or Adopting Baby Corals, you will contribute to Coral conservation in Bermuda and globally. We pledge to utilise 85% of the funds received for coral projects for the benefit of all.